Astrology Teacher in Nawada

Are You Searching Astrology Teacher in Nawada, contact us +91-9873530830, Face Reading Course, Lal Kitab Course, Vedic Course, Numerology Course, Tarot Card Course, Bhrigu Nandi Nadi Course, Vastu Course, Reiki Healing Course, Basic, Advance and Professional Course Online & Offline Classes Available. Free Demo Class Available. We Have 10 Years of Experience in the Field of Astrology.

Lal Kitab

Information related to living a person’s life is written in Lal Kitab. According to Lal Kitab, if you keep your deeds right then you will not need any astrological remedies or any kind of worship. According to Lal Kitab, a person should not lie, otherwise he will fall.


Vedic Astrology

In Vedic astrology, Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn and Rahu Ketu are recognized as Navagraha. All the planets, while traveling in their transit, stay for some time in the zodiac and give their respective horoscopes.



Numerology, or the study of numbers, is based on your given name and birth date. The sum of your values, which becomes your governing number, reveals the correlation of energies present in the cosmic scheme.


Tarot Card

With the help of Tarot card prediction, you can know the future of your life, you can know how your love life will be in future and along with this you can also easily know the future about your studies and business, here but 100% accurate prediction will be made. Whatever information will be given will be given through Tarot cards. Our Tarot card readers give very accurate information.

Acharya Dimple Contact Us +91-9873530830

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